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Welcome to the Rising Above Podcast, a powerful platform where individuals who have triumphed over life’s most extreme challenges gather to share their incredible stories of resilience and triumph. Our podcast is not only a place for these inspiring individuals to tell their tales but also a hub for those looking to promote their businesses, events, and initiatives.

At the Rising Above Podcast, we believe in the strength of the human spirit. Our diverse range of guests includes musicians, artists, business owners, educators, politicians, fitness enthusiasts, fighters, and many more who have faced adversity head-on and emerged stronger. We firmly believe that every person has a unique story that can motivate and inspire others.

Based in Lansing, Michigan, the capital city, our podcast is deeply rooted in the local community. However, we embrace stories and voices from beyond our city limits as well. Whether you’re a local hero or from a distant corner of the world, we encourage anyone with a story that can empower and uplift to reach out and schedule a recording slot.

We appreciate your interest in the Rising Above Podcast and invite you to join our community. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay connected and help us spread these incredible stories far and wide. Thank you for your support as we continue to rise above together.

” You are not your mistakes”     “Learn, Grow, and become better”

   Most importantly  Rise Above!

“Inspire To Be Great”

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Rising Above Studio

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